In this section test
Patient and family resources
At Dell Children’s, your family can expect family-centered care and compassionate caregivers, providing personalized care for the whole child and services that support your entire family while your child is receiving care. From child life specialists and navigators as part of your care team to help getting a second opinion and connection to other resources – care teams at Dell Children’s deliver the right care when your family needs it most.
Billing and financial assistance
Find options about paying your bill online and estimate costs for care. And if your family needs help with financial assistance, we can connect you with resources and programs that may be able to help.
Patient portal and medical records
Log into your child’s patient portal to see updates on labs, message your child’s doctor, request medical records and more.
Child life is part of your care team
Certified child life specialists at Dell Children’s are experienced in helping children and families cope with stress and other challenges while they are receiving care in the hospital or in our clinics.
Get a second opinion
Get the confidence and peace of mind that your child’s diagnosis and care plan is right for your child and family with a second opinion.
Thank a care team member
The DAISY Award recognizes nurses and care teams who have been nominated by patients, families and co-workers. Nominate a care team member.