Ascension Wisconsin

Serving Wisconsin since 1848, Ascension Wisconsin is dedicated to providing care and support in your healing journey. From primary to advanced specialty care, you and your family can find care for your everyday needs.

Grandma hugging granddaughter.

A yearly mammogram can save your life

Stay on track with your regular mammogram screenings, and schedule yours today at Ascension Wisconsin.


Serving Wisconsin families for over 175 years

The rich history of Ascension Wisconsin began in 1848, when the Sisters of Charity opened an infirmary in Milwaukee to care for our community's sickest members. It would later become the first private hospital in the state. Since then, Ascension Wisconsin has enhanced that mission with today's latest technology to provide innovative advanced care for the most complicated conditions and create opportunities for you and your family to conveniently find care with 1,000+ providers at over 165 locations in Milwaukee, Racine, Appleton and Fox Valley.

What sets Ascension Wisconsin apart?

Woman getting a mammogram
Critical Care Excellence

Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Milwaukee and Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Ozaukee are recognized by Healthgrades for quality patient care.


Need language assistance?

Free language interpreters are available to help you and your family receive compassionate and personalized care.