Ascension St. Vincent's Riverside

Ascension St. Vincent's Riverside

  • Hospital/Medical Center


Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Mission & Values

Associates at St. Vincent’s take pride in living the Mission of caring for everyone, with special attention to those who are struggling the most.

Our Mission
Rooted in the loving ministry of Jesus as healer, we commit ourselves to serving all persons with special attention to those who are poor and vulnerable.
Our Catholic health ministry is dedicated to spiritually centered, holistic care, which sustains and improves the health of individuals and communities.
We are advocates for a compassionate and just society through our actions and our words.

As part of the St. Vincent's Family, we are called to:

  • Service of the Poor
  • Reverence
  • Integrity
  • Wisdom
  • Creativity
  • Dedication

Our Catholic Identity
The following is a shared statement of identity for the Catholic health ministry: 

We are the people of Catholic healthcare, a ministry of the church continuing Jesus' mission of love and healing today. As provider, employer, advocate, citizen - bringing together people of diverse faiths and backgrounds - our ministry is an enduring sign of healthcare rooted in our belief that every person is a treasure, every life a sacred gift, every human being a unit of body, mind, and spirit.

We work to bring alive the Gospel's vision of justice and peace. We answer God's call to foster healing, act with compassion, and promote wellness for all Persons and communities, with special attention to our neighbors who are poor, underserved and most vulnerable. By our service, we strive to transform hurt into hope.

As the church's ministry of healthcare, we commit to:

  • Promote and defend human dignity
  • Attend to the whole person
  • Care for poor and vulnerable persons
  • Promote the common good
  • Act on behalf of justice
  • Steward resources
  • Act in communion with the church

Living the Mission
Throughout the year, we provide our associates with many opportunities to give back to the community in ways that extend beyond healthcare. We have annual medical mission trips to Haiti. We also have many events in our community throughout the year. In 2015, for example, associates helped create 25,000 meals in collaboration with Hunger Fight, a tradition we continued in 2016. It is a special way to remember our Mission in the tradition of the Daughters of Charity. In March 2016, we hosted our very first Medical Mission at Home. One thing is for sure: Our associates go Above. Beyond. Because.