Breastfeeding mom and baby

Choose breastfeeding support that’s right for you

Lactation consultants at Ascension sites of care provide breastfeeding support for you and your baby.

Deciding how you’ll feed your baby is an important and personal choice. Breast milk is full of nutrients, antibodies and has health benefits for both moms and infants. Breastfeeding for the first six to 12 months may help lower your baby’s risk for ear infections, asthma, obesity, intestinal infections and allergies. Mothers who breastfeed also have a lower risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

If you choose to breastfeed, experienced lactation consultants at Ascension sites of care provide breastfeeding support during and after your hospital stay, including individual, personalized counseling and group classes. Lactation consultants are also here to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have. Whether you’re a new mom or have breastfeeding concerns, our care teams will support you every step of the way.

Breastfeeding support personalized for you and your baby

Your care team supports you during and after your pregnancy with one-on-one consultations, breastfeeding classes and support groups. Support groups can help families with the physical and emotional changes that come with parenthood and a newborn. In classes, participants learn more about things like feeding techniques and positions. During your consultation or class, you will receive guidance for common breastfeeding concerns, including:

  • Difficulty latching
  • Low milk production
  • Oversupply of milk
  • Poor weight gain
  • Soreness

If your baby arrives early or needs more care, lactation consultants work with nurses in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to help support you and your baby. Assistance may include developing pumping schedules for babies who cannot yet breastfeed. Care teams can also connect you with additional resources such as pre-approved donors, if you are unable to provide milk for any reason. We are committed to delivering specialized and personalized care for you and your growing family.

Financial assistance and support is available

We can also connect you with resources and programs that may be able to help you and your family with options for financial assistance. Our team is here to listen to your concerns and work with you to help find options that meet your needs. Talk with our financial assistant as a first step, if you have questions.

Choose Ascension for breastfeeding support