How to Live Longer and Better with Heart Failure
On this Healthcast episode, Ascension Illinois cardiologist Baqir Lakhani walks you through heart failure symptoms and the latest treatment options.
A congestive heart failure diagnosis can be frightening, but heart failure treatment may be easier than you think. Baqir Lakhani, DO, an advanced heart failure specialist at Ascension Alexian Brothers in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, walks you through the causes, symptoms and four stages of congestive heart failure. He also shares the latest therapies and potential alternatives to heart transplant, including left ventricular assist devices (LVADs).
This podcast is intended for general informational use. Any health-related information shared is not meant to provide or replace professional medical advice and does not establish a patient-provider relationship. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
To find an Ascension Illinois heart failure specialist near you and schedule an appointment, visit or call 855-692-6482.
Heart Failure Survivor Prepares to Climb Mt. Fuji
Matt is doing more than surviving. He’s thriving thanks to his indomitable spirit, his Illinois care team and heart pump implant technology.
Matt's story
HealthCast, the podcast from Ascension Illinois
HealthCast is a health and wellness podcast from Ascension Illinois. Our doctors and providers answer your biggest medical questions candidly and compassionately, using evidence-based advice. Each episode will provide you with simple actions you can take to live your fullest, happiest and healthiest life. No ads. No cost.
Last updated: October 14, 2024