Labor and Delivery | Ascension
Ascension Medical Group Providence Women's Health

Ascension Medical Group Providence Women's Health

  • Women's health


Monday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Labor and Delivery

Please keep in mind as we approach the time of your delivery that our group works on a call system.

Each day at 5 p.m., the on-call doctor receives check-out from all the other physicians on any laboring patients. When possible, we try to meet each patient as we take over care. Please be assured that your prenatal care and the details of your labor are discussed in order to make the transition as seamless as possible. The on-call physician cares for all patients who are admitted overnight.

When to Go to the Hospital


If you experience any of the following, you will need to go to Labor and Delivery.

  • Rupture of membranes. This is usually a slow leak or a sudden gush of fluid. The fluid may be clear, yellow, brown or blood-tinged.
  • Contractions. When your contractions are every five minutes apart and lasting for 45 to 60 seconds and have been that way for one to one-and-a-half hours. True labor contractions gradually get stronger, closer together and last longer. They do not go away with activity such as walking, warm baths or position change.
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding with or without pain.
  • Decreased fetal movement.

There is no need to contact the physicians on call when you have a question about whether to go to  Labor and Delivery. The nurses on Labor and Delivery will contact the physician with all pertinent information after you arrive.

True vs False Labor

True Labor False Labor
Contractions – regular pattern
Contractions are irregular
Get longer, stronger, closer
Don’t get closer, stronger
Last 30 to 60 seconds
May last 1 to 2 minutes
May have diarrhea, cramping
No diarrhea
Get stronger with position change
Go away with walking, position change, hot bath

Pain Management in Labor

You have many options to manage the pain of labor and delivery. There are natural methods including breathing, movement, massage, hypnotherapy, etc. Medical options include IV pain medication and epidural anesthesia.

Going Home After Delivery
