Ascension Saint Thomas River Park

Ascension Saint Thomas River Park

  • Hospital/Medical Center


Open 24 hours a day, 7 day a week


Visitor Information

Ascension welcomes family and friends of our patients. We’ve provided the information below to help make your visit convenient and comfortable.

A hospital stay can be a very difficult time for both patients and their families. At Saint Thomas River Park Hospital, we are committed to making your visit as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Here in our Patient Information Center, you’ll find the answers to all your questions - everything from admissions and registration to billing and medical insurance. Of course, if you ever have a question, please feel free to call 931-815-4000. We’ll do everything we can to make you feel right at home.

Visiting Hours

Visitors can be good medicine for patients, so Saint Thomas River Park Hospital has an open visitation policy, which means loved ones are welcome to visit patients around the clock. This policy gives the patient and family the ability to determine what visitation options work best for them.

There may be a time when visiting hours are modified to meet the patient’s care needs. There may be times when visitors are asked to step out of the patient’s room. Additionally, there may be times when staff might need to limit visitors depending on the situation and space availability.

Important Tips for Visitors

  • Visitors should be free of infection or illness and should not have experienced symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, skin rash, vomiting or diarrhea within the 48 hours prior to a visit.
  • Please respect the privacy and need for rest by all patients.
  • Patient information is confidential and should not be discussed in public areas.
  • Smoking or the use of other tobacco on Saint Thomas River Park Hospital’s campus is restricted.
  • For safety and security reasons, Saint Thomas River Park Hospital’s Emergency Room is the only open entrance between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Visitors must check in at the Emergency Department during this time before continuing to the patient’s room.
  • If you need assistance while visiting a patient, please turn on the call light in their room. A staff member will be alerted to assist you.

Patient Privacy

Due to patient privacy requirements, any information about the patient’s diagnosis or treatment must come directly from the patient to concerned family members or friends. No information will be given out by the switchboard operator or nursing personnel. The patient may be reached by dialing 931-815-4000 and asking for the patient by name.

Lobby Areas

There are specially-designated lounge areas for visitors on each patient floor and on the main floor in the lobby. Specific waiting areas have been designated for families of patients in the critical care units, the Emergency Department, and Surgery.

No Smoking Policy

On January 1, 2011, Saint Thomas River Park Hospital began their initiative to “clear the air” by implementing a tobacco- and smoke-free policy for their entire campus, as well as any properties owned or leased by the hospital. The policy applies to staff, volunteers, patients, visitors, vendors and the general public. The new policy extends the hospital’s current anti-tobacco policy and states no one will be permitted to use tobacco or tobacco-related products on any hospital property, including outside any of the entrances, in the parking lot and adjacent sidewalks. The tobacco ban also includes break areas and the courtyard outside of Saint Thomas River Park Hospital where employees, patients and visitors were permitted to smoke prior to the new policy being put into place.

“As a health care organization, we are committed to the health and safety of our patients and employees. Considering the abundance of information regarding the damaging effects of smoking and tobacco use, it only made sense to take this step to protect our patients, employees and the general public visiting our facility. At Saint Thomas River Park, we want to give our patients the highest quality of care, and allowing them to use tobacco products while undergoing medical care contradicts that goal. Allowing anyone to be exposed to tobacco products at any healthcare facility is contradictory to the goals of safety and health – no matter the level of exposure.”

Thank you for your cooperation and anticipated support of our smoke- and tobacco-free campus policy.