Ascension Providence Hospital Alternative Birthing Center

Ascension Providence Hospital Alternative Birthing Center

  • Birthing center


Open 24 hours a day, 7 day a week


Visitor information at Ascension Providence Hospital Alternative Birthing Center.

Compassionate care means safe care.  We are committed to keeping you and your family safe while you are receiving care in our facility. For the most up-to-date information about our visitation policies please call 248-849-3919.

Visitors are welcome during your stay.  At the Alternative Birthing Center we have a non-separation policy.  We encourage you to keep your new baby at your side at all times (unless a medical problem arises).  All necessary care is done at your bedside.  You can care for your newborn infant in the warm, intimate circle of your family and friends.  Interruptions are kept to a minimum, because we know this is a special time for you to be with your baby.  Your support person and other visitors of your choice may stay overnight with you.

Sibling participation

You may have your other children present for the birth.  When making this decision, please take age and maturity into consideration.  Any child who will be at the birth should be prepared by their parents.  All children in the Alternative Birthing Center MUST be accompanied by an adult who will stay with the children and who is NOT a primary support person to the birthing person.  Children are encouraged to stay in your room or in the Family Lounge with an adult while waiting.


Birth is a special event.  It can also be a very private and personal experience and having too many visitors during labor can inhibit the birthing process.  Therefore, any additional guests may wait in the Family Lounge near the elevators. We kindly ask that all visitors are respectful of the needs of the other families.

*The above information may change due to current visitation policies. You can also email with questions at