Robotic hip and knee replacement in Michigan | Ascension
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Start living with less hip or knee pain in Michigan

Orthopedic surgeons at Ascension Michigan sites of care specialize in robotic-assisted joint replacement to help relieve hip and knee pain.

If joint pain from arthritis or an injury is making the simplest tasks, like walking, seem difficult, orthopedic surgeons at Ascension Michigan sites of care are here for you. You’ll get an entire team dedicated to your care. And as your care needs change, we’re ready with care that’s right for you.

In southeast, central and western Michigan, our orthopedic care teams specialize in hip and knee replacement surgery using Mako SmartRobotics™and ROSA® Knee System. Your care team provides personalized care to help relieve your chronic hip or knee pain by listening to understand you and how your pain is affecting your daily life. Then, we work with you to create a care plan that’s right for you.

Joint replacement seminars with Q&A

Joint replacement seminars at Ascension Michigan sites of care are provided to explain how arthritis, repetitive movements and injury can cause joint pain. Learn how to manage your symptoms and help prevent further damage to your hip or knee joint. Then ask your questions about tests, joint replacement surgery and what to expect during recovery. If you are experiencing severe pain, you may be a candidate for hip or knee replacement surgery.

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Minimally invasive surgery for hip and knee conditions

Sometimes, injuries and orthopedic conditions need surgery. Your orthopedic specialist has the expertise to perform the latest in minimally invasive and robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery, when needed. At Ascension Michigan, doctors and care teams deliver personalized treatments to help relieve your pain and improve how your joint functions.




Mako SmartRobotics™ used in hip and knee replacement surgery

Orthopedic surgeons at Ascension Michigan sites of care are highly trained in robotic surgery using Mako SmartRobotics™ and the robotic-arm assisted Mako System for knee and total hip replacement. This technology helps your doctor create a customized surgical plan for you. Then, during your surgery, the orthopedic surgeon guides the robotic-arm to precisely position the implant in your joint.

  • Partial and total knee replacement with Mako robotic surgery: Knee replacement surgery may be an option for adults living with mid to late-stage osteoarthritis of the knee. Mako technology can be used during surgery. Our surgical approach helps shorten recovery, compared to traditional knee replacement surgery. Most Medicare-approved and private health insurers cover Mako Robotic-Arm assisted joint replacement surgery.
  • Mako SmartRobotics™ for hip replacement: Surgeons use Mako technology during total hip replacement surgery to treat degenerative joint disease that may be caused by hip osteoarthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis or hip dysplasia. During the operation, the orthopedic surgeon guides the Mako robotic arm to precisely position the implant in the hip joint.

Surgical robots help shorten recovery time

Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Tarek Taha, on robotic hip and knee replacements at Ascension Michigan.

We understand that deciding to have hip or knee replacement is an important decision. Your doctor explains if you are a candidate for joint replacement surgery. If surgery is recommended, your care team provides support and education before, during and after surgery. See the frequently asked questions.

For your recovery, Ascension Michigan orthopedic rehabilitation sites of care provide physical therapy to help you strengthen your muscles and improve your flexibility and balance.

Comprehensive care for other orthopedic conditions

When you choose Ascension Michigan, you get a multispecialty care team, including orthopedic doctors, orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine specialists, physical therapists, rehabilitation therapists and more. Your care team works together to deliver specialized care – from diagnosis through recovery. And your doctor is part of a national team, sharing best practices and research.

Other conditions can affect your joints, including bone, cartilage and ligament injuries. In addition to hip and knee replacement, our orthopedic specialists perform minimally invasive procedures to help improve joint function, including:

  • Arthroscopic joint restoration procedures
  • Cartilage debridement
  • Hip labral tear procedure
  • Knee ligament repair, such as ACL or MCL
  • Realign patella (knee cap) and tighten ligament

Learn more about Ascension Michigan orthopedic services.

Frequently asked questions about hip and knee replacement

  • What kind of supportive care and instructions are given before having a joint replacement?

    Ascension Michigan orthopedic care teams provide compassionate, personalized care before, during and after your hip or knee replacement. We’ll give you pre-operative instructions to help improve your recovery after surgery, including wound care, pain management and strengthening exercises. Our care teams are here for you every step of the way. For more information, call 866-501-3627.

  • What should I expect before, during and after joint replacement surgery?

    Ascension Michigan sites of care provide these ‘What to Expect’ resources.

  • What exercises and other reminders will help me before and after surgery?

    Your care team provides pre and post-operative exercises and reminders to help support your recovery and overall health, including:

    • Let your dentist and dental hygienist know that you had knee or hip replacement surgery. Ask your dentist if you need to take a dental pre-medicine before your dental appointment.
    • f you have signs of infection, contact your orthopedic doctor.
    • It’s likely that your joint replacement will trigger the TSA airport security device and additional TSA scanning may take place.

     For showering, we offer these recommendations: How to’s

    If you have any questions prior to your joint replacement surgery, please contact your orthopedic doctor. Recovery after joint replacement surgery is a partnership. We’re counting on you to do your part by being informed and prepared. And we commit to doing our part by providing you with the compassionate, personalized orthopedic care you deserve. Working together, we can help provide relief from joint pain and improve how you walk, sit, and even run.