Man getting a lung cancer screening at an Ascension site of care.

Lung cancer screening in Wichita, Kansas

The Via Christi Lung Cancer Screening Program in Wichita, Kansas, provides comprehensive lung cancer screening and cancer care.

When it comes to your lung health, it is important to find out if you are at risk before symptoms start. Talk to your primary care doctor about your health concerns and if a low-dose CT lung screening is right for you, or call the Via Christi Lung Cancer Screening Program, 316-268-LUNG (5864). Our comprehensive lung care program focuses on prevention and early detection of lung cancer. We provide advanced diagnostic testing and treatments for esophageal and lung cancer, benign lung nodules and other chest diseases.

Lung screenings help identify risk for lung cancer

The first step is to find out if you qualify for a low-dose CT lung screening. Your provider will counsel you on how to stop smoking if you still smoke, or may refer you for a scan. Screening for cancer means testing for cancer before there are any symptoms. Screening for some types of cancer has reduced deaths by early detection and treatment. According to new guidelines published by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, you may be qualified for a low-dose CT lung cancer screening if you are:

  • A current smoker without symptoms or a former smoker who has quit within the past 15 years, is age 50 to 80, and who has smoked 20 pack-years or more (one pack a day for 20 years, OR two packs a day for 10 years, etc.).
  • A smoker without symptoms or a former smoker outside of the smoking and age criteria listed above but who is deemed high risk of having/developing lung cancer (a family history of lung cancer, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, and exposure to certain substances exposures).

Lung disorders affect non-smokers too

Some people who get lung cancer have no risk factors at all. Some of these risk factors can cause changes or mutations that can lead to abnormal cell growth and sometimes cancer. Risk factors for lung cancer, other than tobacco use, include:

  • Radon gas exposure
  • Secondhand smoke
  • Cancer-causing agents at work, such as arsenic, uranium, asbestos and diesel exhaust
  • Air pollution
  • Gene mutations (changes)

Before having a lung screening, contact your insurance provider about your healthcare coverage.

To make an appointment for a lung screening, call 316-268- LUNG (5864).

Via Christi lung cancer care team

When you choose Via Christi for your cancer care, you get a multispecialty care team dedicated to your care. Our experienced doctors are board-certified surgeons, medical oncologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, pulmonologists, pathologists, nurse practitioners and nurse navigators. We work together to deliver advanced cancer treatment for your healthcare needs. 


Cancer nurse navigators connect you to services

Cancer nurse navigators support our Lung Program and help connect you with the specialists and services you need. They are here to listen and get answers to your questions. Call 316-268-5890.

Chest and lung cancer care in Kansas

At Via Christi, we provide a multidisciplinary lung care program – screening, diagnosis, treatment and management of benign tumors in the chest, lung cancer, chest cancers, esophageal cancer and other chest diseases. In addition to lung screening options, the Via Christi lung program provides comprehensive services, including:

  • Pulmonary lung nodule management
    The purpose of the pulmonary lung nodule program is to identify and monitor lung nodules that may develop into lung cancer. Early detection helps your doctor treat a lung lesion when it is most treatable. Once found, our specialists have the expertise to monitor, evaluate, diagnose and treat pulmonary nodules using minimally invasive surgical techniques.
  • Medical oncology
    Medical oncologists provide advanced medication treatments, including chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.
  • Radiation oncology
    Advanced radiation therapy is used to target and destroy cancer cells while avoiding the surrounding healthy tissue.
  • Molecular Tumor Board
    Our Molecular Tumor Board represents multidisciplinary specialists. They meet to discuss how precision medicine, innovative tests and therapeutics can improve the treatment options our specialists provide at our cancer centers and specialty care clinics.
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
    Pulmonary rehabilitation is an outpatient supervised program that includes exercise, health maintenance and breathing techniques. This type of therapy is for individuals who have symptoms of a lung disorder, including problems breathing (respiratory function).
  • Palliative care
    Palliative care may be helpful for individuals experiencing long-term or serious health conditions. Our palliative care teams help relieve symptoms while providing family support.