Ascension St. Vincent Evansville

Ascension St. Vincent Evansville

  • Hospital/Medical Center


Open 24 hours a day, 7 day a week

Pastoral Care

At St. Vincent, we believe in treating the whole person – body, mind and spirit.

Through our Pastoral Care services, our Chaplains and Pastoral Care staff are able to provide an important dimension of holistic care to patients, visitors, associates and guests that promote both physical and spiritual well-being.

Ministers of all faiths and denominations are welcome to visit and counsel patients who are members of their faith communities. The Pastoral Care office can help contact patients' ministers and faith leaders if desired.

Request a Chaplain

Request a Prayer

Chaplain Services


Mass is available:

Sunday - 11:30 a.m.
Monday-Friday - 11:30 a.m.
Saturday - No Mass

Patients may view our Masses on Chapel Channel 80 on the televisions in their hospital rooms. Patients who wish to attend services should check in advance with their physician for permission to leave the unit.

Liturgical Environment

Our Chapel expresses a Catholic liturgical environment that includes:

  • Tabernacle - Receptacle that contains sacred vessels of consecrated bread for Holy Communion (Eucharist) distribution to our patients
  • Sanctuary - This lit candle indicates that the Eucharist is present in the tabernacle
  • Altar - Table for celebrating Mass (Catholic worship)
  • Ambo (lectern/podium) - Place where the Liturgy of the Word is proclaimed during Mass
  • Credence - Small side table where the vessels for Mass (chalice, water, wine, and linens) are placed
  • Presider's Chair - Chair used by the priest who presides at the Liturgical Service/Mass
  • Stations of the Cross - Images of Christ's "Way of the Cross," from his trial to his Resurrection
  • Holy water fonts - Located on both sides of the Chapel entrance, for blessing upon entering and exiting the Chapel

Special Services

In addition to the regular Mass schedule, the Chapel is used for special prayer services and programs such as Ash Wednesday, and memorial services for St. Vincent associates and patients. No weddings, meetings, support groups, etc. are permitted in the Chapel.

All services must be planned in consultation with the Director of Pastoral Care or a designee.

St. Vincent Chapel

Our Chapel provides a quiet space in the holy presence of God where all are welcome. Available for prayer and meditation 24 hours a day, it is accessible through the Center for Advanced Medicine, as well as the main entrance of St. Vincent Medical Center.

Sacraments and Holy Communion

Sacrament Of Reconciliation

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to Catholic patients upon request. A Chaplain is available to assist with making referrals to the appropriate priest.

Holy Communion

Daily distribution of Holy Communion to Catholic patients is available. If you desire to receive Holy Communion, indicate this to the volunteer when you are contacted. A volunteer group, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, assist Catholic Chaplains in administering Holy Communion.

Anointing Of The Sick

The use of blessed oil is symbolic of Jesus' healing and comforting power. Catholic patients may receive the Sacrament of the Sick upon request. A Chaplain can assist with contacting the appropriate priest. Patients of other faiths may likewise request prayer with anointing of oil.

Medical Ethics and Consultation

If you have an ethical concern, please contact a chaplain 24/7 at 812-429-4065 (wait to key in your phone number) or the Pastoral Care office at 812-485-4150, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. A chaplain will contact you. Once the ethical concern is expressed, a Chaplain Facilitator will work closely with the "Community of Concern." The Community of Concern includes, but is not limited to:

  • Patients
  • Families
  • Significant others
  • Medical staff
  • Nursing staff
  • Healthcare advocates
  • Interdisciplinary teams
  • Chaplains
  • Social services
  • Clergy

A Medical Ethics Consultation occurs when any member of the Community of Concern questions whether an ethical dilemma exists in the care of a patient.

Advanced Directives

It is important to make your future healthcare decisions known to your family, friends and healthcare providers. Advance Directives (AD), such as a Living Will or Appointment of Health Care Representative, are legal documents that state your desires should you lose the ability to make your own healthcare decisions. Patients wanting more information or assistance in preparing an Advance Directive may ask their nurse to contact a chaplain or dial 485-4150 on their room phone.

  • Appointment of Healthcare Representative
  • Living Will - St. Vincent Medical Center: English | Spanish
  • Living Will - St. Vincent Warrick Hospital
  • Advanced Directives: Making Decisions About Your Healthcare
  • Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare Services
  • A Catholic Guide to Healthcare Directives