Professional Development

2N RTAC MOB Coach Training

This is a private training event for participants invited through the 2North Regional Trauma Advisory Committee.



This course will prepare and certify participants in coaching A Matter of Balance in-person courses.

Once trained, Coaches will work under the License of Use of their assigned Master Trainer and partner together to teach classes in their communities. This course can not be taught online. To teach this course virtually, Coaches would need to take the additional 4 hour MOB Virtual Translation training after the initial training.

The A MOB in person course can only be offered as:

  • Once a week 2 hour class for 8 weeks or Twice a week 2 hour classes for 4 weeks

Coaches will be required to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Coaches and a Pledge of Confidentiality form. Each Master Trainer's site will have their own forms.

An example MOU can be read here Coach MOU_2NRTAC.pd

Additional resources:

Coach vs Master Trainer Job Description MOB.pdf

See how the Matter of Balance program helps older adults overcome the fear of falling and increase activity.