Non-Surgical Weight Loss Options | Ascension

Weight Management Services  |  Medical Nutrition Therapy

Our non-surgical weight management program offers an individualized, comprehensive approach.  We have an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals that assists each person in finding and maintaining weight loss success, instead of pushing people into a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. Many people who successfully lose weight using diets and commercial programs end up gaining it back over time.  Our team helps you develop the skills to achieve realistic goals and sustain your weight loss.  Even moderate decreases in body weight (5-10% of your starting weight) can result in considerable health benefits.

Three Tracks for Medical Weight Management:

  • Non-surgical medical weight management
  • Medical weight management in preparation for bariatric surgery
  • Specialized medical weight management for post-bariatric surgery patients seeking to get back on track

Program Structure

We follow the four pillars of weight management developed by the Obesity Medicine Association.

  1. Nutrition
  2. Physical Activity
  3. Behavior
  4. Medication

Weight Management Services

  • Led by a physician who is board certified in Obesity Medical Management.
  • Our board-certified nurse practitioners have a passion for weight loss medicine. They have overcome their own challenges with severe obesity and consider it an honor to provide a safe, positive environment for people on their weight loss journey.
  • Thorough review of health history and medications, regular laboratory monitoring, collaboration with other providers, and respect for personal preferences
  • Indirect calorimetry testing is used to measure metabolism and body composition. This is used to provide a healthy calorie range and realistic goal weight.
  • Nutrition information regarding grocery shopping, meal planning, food tracking, portion size and nutrient content
  • Optional referral to our registered dietitians
  • Development of safe and achievable physical activity plans, updated as appropriate
  • Behavioral support to help sustain positive lifestyle changes
  • Emotional support and encouragement from other patients and our team
  • Optional referral to psychologists/counselors who work closely with our office
  • Medication management includes review of current medications and assessment of vitamin and hormone imbalances. Medications may be prescribed to safely support weight loss efforts.
  • One-on-one visits to monitor progress and regularly update plan
  • Life-long support for lasting success

Your initial appointment with the Ascension Borgess Weight Management Program is a group class taught by one of our board-certified providers. The class takes approximately one hour and describes how obesity is a chronic disease. Our compassionate providers outline how they will work with you to improve your quality of life.

Please call our office at 269-226-5456 to have a new patient packet mailed to you. Once this has been received and reviewed by the office, you will be called to schedule your first appointment.

Medical Nutrition Therapy

Who we are

Registered Dietitians at Ascension Borgess are your nutrition experts and partners in creating a plan to achieve weight loss goals and good health. Ascension Borgess dietitians provide individual medical nutrition therapy and believe that a one-size-fits-all “diet plan” doesn’t exist. We celebrate informed and confident food choices as you strive to improve your health.

Who we see

  • Medical Weight Management
  • Pre-Surgical Weight Management
  • Nutrition Following Bariatric Surgery
  • Back-on-Track Post-Surgical Program
  • Medical Nutrition Therapy

Medical Weight Management

Registered Dietitians at Ascension Borgess can assist you in maximizing weight loss efforts and management of other health conditions through dietary and lifestyle style change. By partnering with other healthcare professionals in our Medical Weight Management program, we individualize nutrition recommendations specific to each persons’ needs. We always support weight loss success with sustainable goal setting that will benefit your health and well-being for years to come.

Pre-Surgical Weight Management

In preparation for surgery, we work with you to modify food choices and behaviors consistent with the bariatric lifestyle. We guide you in developing lifelong eating patterns, provide vitamin recommendations, and support nutrition needs as they change during every stage of life. We work together to set realistic and achievable food-nutrition goals that fit within your lifestyle.

Following your initial appointment with the surgeon, you will be scheduled for a nutrition appointment. You will first meet with a dietitian in a group setting which is then followed by additional one-on-one appointments.

Nutrition Following Bariatric Surgery

Following surgery, Ascension Borgess Registered Dietitians will provide you with nutrition education and counseling that supports a successful diet progression, appropriate vitamin intake, and positive behavior change. Transitioning to a lifelong bariatric lifestyle takes hard work and commitment. We strive to assist you with up-to-date resources, evidence-based nutrition recommendations, and food preparation techniques to help make your transition enjoyable and sustainable! Making routine follow-up appointments with a Registered Dietitian can help ensure healthy weight loss and provide guidance as nutrition needs may change as your progress further out from surgery. We look forward to supporting you during every stage of your journey!

Back-on-Track Post-Surgical Program

Lifelong follow-up with a bariatric surgery team is recommended following bariatric surgery, however we understand that some patients may benefit from additional support. If your bariatric surgery took place greater than one year prior and you are experiencing challenges with additional weight loss, this program may be right for you! Please request a referral to our Back-on-Track program during your routine surgical follow-up appointment. If you need assistance setting practical nutrition goals for a successful bariatric lifestyle, your Ascension Borgess Registered Dietitians are here to help.

Click here to learn more about Medical Nutrition Therapy