Bells and Whistles to NRP class: A booster class for NRP instructors
Are you struggling to make NRP exciting, engaging, and realistic? Are you a new NRP instructor preparing for your NRP courses? Do you cringe when you have to do the debriefing? This 1-day course is designed to provide current NRP instructors additional techniques to enhance their NRP courses. Topics include, high tech and low tech simulations, scenario building, moulage, and debriefing practice. This class is intended for current NRP instructors who are either new instructors or for any instructor needing a boost. This course is NOT intended for NRP instructor candidates to meet a mentoring session requirement.
If your class required payment, a refund will be given if a cancellation request is received 2 business days (48 hours) prior to the start of the class/program. A full refund will be given for any class cancelled by the site.