
Live Virtual Infant and Child Safety

This class is for all parents, caregivers, adoptive parents and grandparents regardless of where you live or delivery hospital.


Other Dates and Times



This fun, interactive course is encouraged before you deliver to boost your confidence and help you transition into your new role as a parent. We provide expectant parents with practical information to help prepare you for your baby’s first months at home. You will learn vital information on caring for baby from the basics of swaddling and diapering to life saving skills including CPR, choking and infant safety.

. This comprehensive curriculum spans birth to 5 years, including information on childproofing products, car safety, emergency preparedness, home safety, common poisons, and more

Once registered for this class, an invitation to Google Meets will be sent to the email provided.

Refund Statement:
We reserve the right to cancel classes due to lack of participants, and/or scheduling conflicts.

Other Dates and Times

WhenDate Time Registration
October 24, 2024
6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.