Spanish Childbirth Education
Ofrecemos clases de educacion de parto en espanol Nuestras clases en espanol revisamos la habilidad de crianza de Los recien nacidos,asi como lactancia materna ,embarazo,labor y parto,cuidado del post parto y visita a la maternidad. Para mayor informacion o registrarse, llamar a la Enfermera Soledad Sheppley CCE Al 667-234-3285
Class/Event Discount Policy: Discounts are available for some courses to senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and persons who have enrolled in a certain number of courses. To inquire about these discounts, please call our Customer Service telephone number).
Class/Event Refund Policy: For more information or to register, Call Soledad Sheppley, RN, CCE at 667-234-3285
Inclement Weather Policy: The hospital reserves the right to waive part or all course fees if inclement weather patterns result in the cancellation of the course. The level of refund given to enrollees, if any, will be determined by the number of class hours attended by each enrollee.
Couples Enrollment Policy: Certain courses are designed for couples to attend. The fee charged for these courses applies to both persons as a unit, and both persons are required to attend. Discount and refund policies apply to both persons as a unit.