
A primary care appointment leads to a Pensacola man’s advance treatment for AFib

September 20, 2024
Patient Andrew L. with cardiothoracic surgeon George Comas, MD

Dr. George M. Comas, a cardiothoracic surgeon at Ascension Sacred Heart treats patients with AFib and other advanced heart conditions.

Andrew, 60, from Pensacola, FL,received unexpected news during a routine check-up with his primary care provider, despite feeling healthy and leading an active lifestyle. During the appointment, his doctor detected a potential heart murmur. Although Andrew had no previous symptoms, the doctor recommended an EKG to assess his heart’s electrical activity. This quick, painless and noninvasive test confirmed a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AFib), a condition characterized by an irregular and often rapid heartbeat. Following this, Andrew made an urgent trip to the emergency room, where further tests confirmed the presence of AFib and revealed severe mitral regurgitation, a condition where blood flows backward into the heart.

In October, 2023, doctors performed a cardioversion procedure, successfully restoring his heart’s normal rhythm. In order to manage the newly diagnosed heart condition, he consulted Dr. George M Comas, a cardiothoracic surgeon at Ascension Sacred Heart. After further testing, Dr. Comas recommended valve repair surgery via a small incision between the ribs. This minimally invasive procedure doesn’t require splitting the breastbone like traditional open-heart surgery, which helps shorten recovery time and reduce complications. Andrew successfully underwent this procedure to repair his mitral valve and close off a small pouch in his heart called the left atrial appendage. He was able to return home just a few days after the surgery.

Dr. Comas remarked, “Andrew's recovery from surgery was remarkably swift. We’re pleased with his successful outcome and grateful for the positive results.”

After surgery, Andrew began to slowly resume his normal activities.. A structured cardiac rehabilitation program further supported his recovery. By the spring, Andrew was back to his regular routine, including long bike rides and gym workouts. His quick return to health highlighted the effectiveness of both his pre-surgery fitness and the minimally invasive surgical approach. 

Andrew’s experience highlights the importance of regular health check-ups. He noted, “Had I not kept up with my routine appointments, my heart murmur might never have been discovered, and the outcome could have been much different.” Early detection of his condition prevented severe complications and allowed for timely treatment. “I not only recommend Dr. Comas but also urge everyone to consistently visit their primary care doctors” said Andrew. 

Don’t delay heart care. If you’re having symptoms, find care close to home by visiting our website.

Last updated: September 20, 2024