
A military wife and local nurse receives personalized care with premature birth

July 16, 2024
Heather, husband, and baby

Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast NICU in Miramar Beach, Florida, gives advanced care for premature births.

Amber Kaatz, a local RN, and her husband, a military doctor, were stationed at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida while pregnant with their first child. The expecting parents knew they wanted a hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) just in case, so they asked for recommendations from other military families, fellow medical field colleagues and friends. 

“We heard excellent things about Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast and decided to go there even though we lived 45 minutes away in Ft. Walton Beach,” Amber said. 

Amber had no pre-existing conditions that could put her at risk for premature labor like diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, epilepsy, heart disease, obesity, eating disorder or lupus. However, before delivering her baby girl, Amber was admitted a few times to the hospital because of preterm labor. 

“They still don’t know why I went into labor at 30 weeks and 3 days,” Amber said. 

Doctors tried to delay a premature delivery, but after being in labor off and on for four days, Amber’s water broke at 5 a.m. From there she said it was a whirlwind until Sienna was born at 8:08 a.m. at just three pounds. 

Amber was able to hold her newborn daughter briefly before Philip Tatum, MD, neonatology, admitted Sienna to the NICU . Amber said the NICU manager Brandy Kirby kept them informed even when they could not physically be with their baby. The Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Family Birth Place NICU provides critical care for babies as early as 30 weeks gestation. 

“I am glad that they were able to care for her close to home,” Amber said . 

In the 39 days Sienna spent in the NICU, she learned to breathe independently, maintained her heart rate and was able to eat. Amber and her husband were involved in Sienna’s plan of care at all times. They were able to give her baths, have skin-to-skin contact and check Sienna’s weight. 

“We were at the bedside 24 hours,” said Amber. “I feel it is very important to be able to see your child when you want to.”

Amber says they made friends for a lifetime during Sienna’s NICU stay, particularly with nurses Cecilia Loeper and Nikki Lawrence.When they were there, she knew her baby was in very capable hands and she could rest. Sienna’s care team would send pictures and updates when Amber could not be there in person.

Today, Sienna weighs more than 13 pounds and is eight months old. Amber lovingly talks about Sienna’s chunky baby rolls and how she is meeting her developmental milestones. To learn more about Sacred Heart Emerald Coast’s nationally recognized Family Birth Place visit SacredHeartBaby.com.

Last updated: October 14, 2024